
This is a tutorial introducing grain.delayed, the latest framework frontend, and all basic aspects of Grain you need to start incorporating Grain into your workflow. This tutorial assumes basic understanding of asynchorous programming. For a quick introduction to asynchorous programming, refer to the first few sections of Trio’s tutorial.

Before you begin

  1. Make sure you’re using Python 3.8 or newer.

  2. pip install --upgrade grain-scheduler

  3. Can you run grain --version? If so then you’re good to go!

Delayed function and object


If you are familiar with Dask’s delayed, Grain’s delayed interface is just similar, but there are some major design differences. You may want to read more about that in the API Reference: delayed.

Let’s say you have a function doing expensive calculations and another function doing relatively cheap reduce-like operations. We will like to make them parallelizable, so we make them delayed functions (or we can call it a “tasklet”).

from grain.delayed import delayed, run
from grain import GVAR
from functools import partial

async def add(x):
    # import inside the function because a tasklet should not have global reference
    import trio
    print(f"start adding to {x} with resource {GVAR.res}")
    await trio.sleep(x/10) # simulate lenthy calculation
    print(f"done adding to {x}")
    return x + 1

async def elevated_sum(l):
    s_ = 0
    for x in l:
        s_ += add(x)
    s = await s_
    print(f"elevated_sum({l}) = {s}")

    partial(elevated_sum, [1,2,3]),
Config file is disabled, using default settings.
start adding to 3 with resource Ø
start adding to 2 with resource Ø
start adding to 1 with resource Ø
done adding to 1
done adding to 2
done adding to 3
elevated_sum([1, 2, 3]) = 9
worker ...(local) starts cleaning up
worker ...(local) clear
Time elapsed for all jobs: 0.303s

We can observe that the three add tasklets run in parallel (You should see time elaspse for all tasklets roughly equal to that of the tasklet taking the longest time, in this case add(3), 0.3s). The three tasklets have no inter-dependancy, so we can parallelize them.

elevated_sum looks simple, but it is actually an ingenious process. The calling of delayed function add(x) here actually returns an delayed object instead of the result of the function. Delayed objects are placeholders of the pending actual result. They are composable using Python operators (as you see here, ‘+=’). Those operations are memorized by the delayed objects. Finally, await on the final delayed object wait for all delayed objects involved to finish calculaion and compose the answer according to the memorized operations.


Difference from Dask: instead of putting the functions to queue when await-ed at the end, calling of delayed function immediately schedules the function for execution.

Resource binding

Also notice that the add tasklet here takes no resource to finish. In reality, computationally intesive jobs often occupy some resources (e.g. CPU, memory, GPU) of a worker machine, so we would like to specify resources and demands for each worker and job. In the following code, we add local=Cores([0,1]) (resource for local worker: CPU cores 0,1) for run to specify the resources owned by local worker. Before calling the delayed function add, we bind a resource demand to it using the @ operator (@ means dot product in Python, but here we just redefine it as a handy way to attach resources to jobs). Cores(1) indicates that the function needs one CPU core to run.

 from grain.delayed import delayed, run
 from grain import GVAR
 from grain.resource import Cores
 from functools import partial

 async def add(x):
     # import inside the function because a tasklet should not have global reference
     import trio
     print(f"start adding to {x} with resource {GVAR.res}")
     await trio.sleep(x/10) # simulate lenthy calculation
     print(f"done adding to {x}")
     return x + 1

 async def elevated_sum(l):
     s_ = 0
     for x in l:
         s_ += (add @ Cores(1))(x)
     s = await s_
     print(f"elevated_sum({l}) = {s}")

     partial(elevated_sum, [1,2,3]),
Config file is disabled, using default settings.
start adding to 1 with resource CPU_Cores([0])
start adding to 2 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 1
start adding to 3 with resource CPU_Cores([0])
done adding to 2
done adding to 3
elevated_sum([1, 2, 3]) = 9
worker ...(local) starts cleaning up
worker ...(local) clear
Time elapsed for all jobs: 0.408s

Note that tasklet 3 only starts after tasklet 1 finishes and yields one CPU core, because we only have two cores in total. In the case of CPU core, request (any 1 CPU core) is non-specific, while the assigned resources (core 0 or core 1) are specific.

Grain inform the function at run time what resources are allocated for it. However, Grain never enforces those constraints. It is the responsibility of the function itself to follow the rule. External programs usually have various ways to manage their own CPU, memory, etc. consumptions, so the users are expected to inform them in their ways. In this example, we are only demonstrating how Grain manage the resources. As you can see, function add does not actually use the CPU core assigned to it.

Here we specify resource for the local worker, and execute function locally. In production, we usually have multiple remote workers (e.g. on the computation nodes of a cluster) connect to the central scheduler, head. They will inform head the resources they own. Grain’s head dispatch jobs to them as long as there are enough resources. We will talk more on workers in the later section.

Local or remote execution

So far you have seen two ways submitting functions for paralle execution: without or with resource constraint. These two ways actually map to the two kinds of functions when we are orgranizing our workflow. Function callstack in a workflow usually resembles a tree. The “leaf functions” perform expensive calculations; the “branch functions” call other branches and/or leaves and reduce their results to final answers. The “branch functions” are usually cheap compared to the “leaf functions”, so we request resources for the “leaf functions.” Delayed functions requesting no resource (“branches”) will be executed locally. Therefore they have access to the local scheduler and can dispatch other delayed functions. Delayed functions with resource demand (“leaves”) are sent to workers (local or remote) with enough resources.

Now, suppose we want to run the presumably cheap “branch” function elevated_sum for several times, locally and in parallel. How will you modify the code? You can pause and think about it. A solution is presented below

 from grain.delayed import delayed, each, run
 from grain import GVAR
 from grain.resource import Cores

 async def add(x):
     # import inside the function because a tasklet should not have global reference
     import trio
     print(f"start adding to {x} with resource {GVAR.res}")
     await trio.sleep(x/10) # simulate lenthy calculation
     print(f"done adding to {x}")
     return x + 1

 async def elevated_sum(l):
     s_ = 0
     for x in l:
         s_ += (add @ Cores(1))(x)
     s = await s_
     print(f"elevated_sum({l}) = {s}")

 async def main():
     data = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
     jobs = [elevated_sum(d) for d in data]
     [await j for j in jobs]
     # the two lines above can be simplified with helper `each`
     #await each(elevated_sum(d) for d in data)

Config file is disabled, using default settings.
start adding to 7 with resource CPU_Cores([0])
start adding to 8 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 7
start adding to 9 with resource CPU_Cores([0])
done adding to 8
start adding to 4 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 4
start adding to 5 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 9
elevated_sum([7, 8, 9]) = 27
start adding to 6 with resource CPU_Cores([0])
done adding to 5
start adding to 1 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 1
start adding to 2 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 2
start adding to 3 with resource CPU_Cores([1])
done adding to 6
elevated_sum([4, 5, 6]) = 18
done adding to 3
elevated_sum([1, 2, 3]) = 9
worker ...(local) starts cleaning up
worker ...(local) clear
Time elapsed for all jobs: 2.310s

The order of execution for the three elevated_sum might be different each time.


The following line will not parallelize the execution of elevated_sum, because each submitted tasklet is waited for completion before moving on:

[await elevated_sum(d) for d in data]

So far, we can have a rule of thumb for using Grain:

  • Parallel execution: wrap the function with @delayed.

  • Expensive “leaf function”: call it with resource attached.

Getting real: workers

Workers, residing on computaional node of a cluster, communicate with Grain’s head/scheduler to make parallel computaion across clusters possible. Unlike Dask, we have one worker per machine / computation node. The worker have access to all resources on the machine. When a worker connects to Grain’s head, it will inform head the resources they own. Grain’s head dispatches jobs to a worker as long as it has enough resources for the jobs. The jobs are async functions (e.g. of external processes), so a worker can monitor the status of multiple executions concurrently.

For Grain to recognize your system, you need to have a profile/config. Full reference and samples of Grain’s config syntax can be found in the example directory. You can start with one of the sample config and further customize it according to grain.reference.toml. Here we will walk through some essensial settings to get started quickly.

  • system: the HPC job management system (slurm or pbs)

  • script.[queue,walltime,cores,memory]: These are the fields to be filled in when you are writing a HPC job script. Depending on your cluster they should have different values. It is recommend to start with a debug queue and short walltime (You can launch workers during a running Grain mission, so it is OK if it is less than the total time required). The cores and memory will be for one computational node and one worker, so it is usually a good idea to fill in the maximum number of processors and memory for one computational node.

  • setup_cleanup: commands to setup the running environments (e.g. load modules, source profiles, make scratch dirs, etc.) and commands to clean up after a worker quits (e.g. delete scratch dirs, transfer usage analytics). Prepend defer to mark a command to be clean up command (e.g. defer rm -r /tmp/scratch).


By default, Grain uses the built-in Edge protocol for head, worker, and CLI tools to communicate with each others. Edge relies on a network filesystem (disk space accessible to all nodes in a supercomputing cluster). The default “assembly point” is $HOME/.local/share/edge-file-default. If your network filesystem locates somewhere else, set address = "edge:///absolute/path/to/your/nfs/edge-filename".

There are more options in the reference config, but now you should be all set to run things on clusters. You may want to name the file grain.toml and put it in the currect directory for Grain to pick it up automatically, or set an envar GRAIN_CONFIG=path/to/your_config.toml, or just use flag -c path/to/your_config.toml when calling grain.

Now, before you proceed, let’s do a final check:

grain up --dry

This command generates a worker submission script with your config. Instead of submiting it right away, the dry run prints out the script for your inspection. You can see how each field in your config is represented here and check if anything does not look right.

When you are ready, run the following code. The tasklet here simply checks for the hostname, and you can see where the job is running.

from grain.delayed import delayed, each, run
from grain.resource import Node
from grain import GVAR

@delayed(nout=2) # the function has 2 return values
async def hostname():
    import trio
    cp = await trio.run_process(['hostname'], capture_stdout=True)
    return str(GVAR.res), cp.stdout.decode()

async def main():
    summary = ""
    for i in range(4):
        res, hn = (hostname @ Node(N=16,M=10))() # Node is Cores & Memory
        summary += f"Job {i} with " + res + " is executed on a machine with hostname " + hn
    print("Waiting for calculation to start ...")
    print(await summary)


If you run the code above, you should see your program pause right after printing “Waiting for calculation to start …”. Because we did not enable the local worker (i.e. not passing local=... to run), there will be no calculation resource available until remote workers join.


In actual calculations, if you are running Grain head on a login node, it is recommanded to not enable local worker for grain.delayed.run so that no intensive calculation will be executed locally.

So let’s launch some workers. On another shell, run the following to submit 2 workers:

grain up -n 2

As soon as the HPC jobs begin to run and join the head, the jobs start to run. In the mean time, you can always check the workers’ resource availability by

grain ls

Try changing the code with different resources assign to the jobs, add delays in the jobs using trio.sleep, and try to see if you can make the jobs running on different computation nodes.


You might notice that the workers do not shutdown immediately after all computations are done. That is because the scheduler is still running in the background, so that if you start another calculation mission shortly, the workers can be reused. You can also run multiple missions concurrently, sharing a swarm of workers. Missions (i.e. the head processes) running on the same machine with the same head.listen / address config will reuse the scheduler.

What’s next?

Now you are all set to run parallel calculation with Grain, orchestrating tasklets written by others, or even implementing tasklets yourself. Here’s what to explore:

  • Tasklets in real world: run computational chemistry packages with ASE-Grain.

  • Checkout API Reference: delayed.

  • Have a look at what built-in resources are available.

  • Setup a Grain Bridge server that makes it possible to send your jobs across multiple clusters.